Who is Pawso?
Message from Pawso
When I was a kitten I felt worried and anxious.
Noises, dogs, and people petting my fur scared me.
I protected myself by biting and hiding.
I felt sad and alone. No one wanted to adopt me.
Fortunately, my foster mom, Casey, brought my sister, Samba, and me home.
Casey is a therapist (A nice person who talks about feelings and helps you work on problems.)
Casey gave me tips to calm down and ways to help me feel better!
Now I am a capable and confident cat.
I still work on my problems, but I have skills and people to help me.
I feel pawsitively purrfect being me.

I Am Pawso! I used to feel embarrassed introducing myself because people called me the wrong name. Not anymore! Now, I really like my name. It's a part of who I am!
Did you know I am named after a dance called the Paso Doble? Meow Ma Casey loves International Latin Ballroom Dance. Two of the five dances are called Paso Doble and Samba. That’s how my sister and me got our names!
During the Paso Doble, dancers imagine the dancefloor is a Spanish bullfighting arena. The leader is the matador, and the follower is the cape. I used to be shy and insecure until I imagined I am Pawso, the matador, in real life. Just like a matador, I am strong. I think before I take two steps forward. I observe and wait for the right opportunity to act. I stand up tall and use my big voice to express myself. I love being the center of attention.
Cats sleep most of the day. Not me! I stay up all day if my family is home just so I can play with them and get extra pets. I still hide when strangers come over, but I am working on being a matador in new situations, too.
I wasn’t always confident. Life as a kitten was really hard. I had a lot of adverse cat experiences (ACEs) such as living on the street, being a rescue cat, sleeping in a shelter, and having sensory overload. Everyone wanted to adopt my sister, Samba, but no one wanted me because I was different. Meow Ma Casey wouldn’t separate us because she knows I need my sister. Paw Paw Scott says I am just like him. He has high functioning Aspergers. He says people don’t understand us because we are “quirky” and sensitive. Textures, sensations, and sounds overwhelm me unless they are just right.
Sometimes I do silly things that make other people laugh at me or call me “weird.” Social rules, like how to greet people when they come over, confuse me. Luckily, Samba teaches me how to do things. I am special, just like you, and sometimes people have to be patient and gentle to really see the treasure behind our whiskers and fur!
"My mind can create a positive spin.
I can turn my frown into a grin."

You Have My Full Attention

Paw Paw Scott Made Me A Real Cat Tree Inside!

Exploring My Surroundings! You Caught Me!

I Love Greens and Vegetables!

Singing Calms Me Down

I Follow Meow Ma Casey Everywhere!

My Pawso Charm!

Loud Noises and Strangers Scare Me!

I Love To Play and Get Lots of Exercise

When I Am Unsure, I Hide And Watch Quietly To See If I Am Safe

I Am Super Cute And Full of Pawsonality!